
Is Sedation Dental Treatment For You? Here Is What You Need To Know

January 9, 2023
Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry offers a variety of benefits for dental patients who are anxious about visiting the dentist or undergoing dental procedures. It involves sedatives to relax patients so they can receive pain-free treatments with minimal discomfort. Patients who may benefit from sedation dentistry include those with severe anxiety, depression, a strong gag reflex, extensive dental work needed, or complex medical histories. If you’re considering sedation dentistry, here is what you need to know about the process.

Types of Sedation

Several types of sedation dentistry are available, and the type used will depend on a patient’s needs as determined by their dentist. The most common sedation include inhalation sedation (also known as laughing gas), oral sedation (a pill taken before treatment), and IV sedation (where a sedative is administered intravenously). Inhalation sedation is typically used for mild to moderate anxiety, while oral and IV sedation is generally reserved for more severe cases.


Sedation dentistry offers a variety of benefits. It can reduce the time needed to complete a procedure, as sedatives help patients relax and require less restorative work. Additionally, sedation dentistry helps to reduce fear and anxiety related to dental treatments. It also allows more complex procedures to be completed in a single visit, saving you time and money.


Sedation dentistry is generally safe when administered by qualified professionals who understand how sedatives work and interact with other medications. Before any sedation treatment, your dentist must assess your medical history and consider any allergies or pre-existing conditions that may complicate sedation.


The cost of sedation dentistry is typically higher than regular dental treatments due to the sedatives and extra time needed for the procedure. However, insurance plans can often cover sedation dentistry, so you must check with your provider before treatment.


1. Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes, sedation dentistry is generally safe when administered by qualified professionals who understand how sedatives work and interact with other medications.

2. What type of sedation should I use?

It will depend on a patient’s needs as determined by their dentist. Inhalation sedation is typically used for mild to moderate anxiety, while oral and IV sedation are usually reserved for more severe cases.

3. Is sedation dentistry covered by insurance?

It depends on your insurance plan – checking with your provider before treatment is essential.

Final Words

Sedation dentistry can be an excellent option for those who experience dental anxiety or need complex procedures done in one visit. It offers several benefits, including reducing fear and anxiety and allowing complex treatments to be completed faster and less expensively than if done separately over multiple visits. However, sedation dentistry is not without risks, and discussing your options with a qualified dentist in Riverside is vital before deciding on sedation.