Dead Black Tooth in Riverside, CA | Inland Choice Dental

How Do You Fix A Dead Black Tooth?

January 15, 2024
Root Canal Treatment

Are you dealing with a dead black tooth? Don’t fret, because we’ve got the answers you need to fix this dental dilemma! A dead tooth, also known as a necrotic tooth, can be an unsettling sight and cause discomfort. But fear not, dear reader. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes behind a dead black tooth and discuss various treatment options available to bring back your pearly whites. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of dentistry to find out how to tackle this issue head-on!

A dead black tooth, often the victim of neglected decay or trauma, isn’t just an aesthetic concern. It’s a silent cry for help from a dead nerve within. Studies by the American Association of Endodontists reveal that nearly 1 in 7 adults harbors at least one dead tooth, highlighting the urgency of understanding treatment options.

Restoring Your Smile, Reclaiming Your Health:

At Inland Choice Dental, we believe every smile deserves a second chance. Here’s a glimpse into your recovery journey:

Diagnosis and Exploration:

First, our skilled dentists will use advanced X-rays and examinations to diagnose the culprit and assess the extent of the damage. Remember, early intervention is key to preserving tooth structure and minimizing future complications.

Treatment Options:

Depending on the severity of the case, we offer two main paths to smile redemption:

Pros and Cons of Treating a Dead Black Tooth

When faced with a dead black tooth, deciding between root canal therapy and extraction can feel like navigating a treacherous canyon in the shadows. At Inland Choice Dental, we believe knowledge is power, so let’s shed some light on the advantages and disadvantages of each option:

1. Root Canal Therapy:

This isn’t a trip to the dentist’s dungeon! Think of it as a microscopic treasure hunt. Our dentists gently remove the dead nerve and infected tissue, filling the canals with biocompatible material, sealing the chamber, and saving your tooth. Research by the Journal of Clinical Dentistry shows that root canals often have a success rate exceeding 95%, offering a long-lasting solution for preserving your natural tooth.

Root Canal Therapy in Riverside, CA | Inland Choice Dental- Riverside Dentist


  • Preserves Natural Tooth: This is the ultimate win! Saving your natural tooth ensures optimal chewing function, jawbone health, and a more natural look and feel.
  • Cost-Effective: While upfront costs might be slightly higher than extraction, root canal therapy is often more cost-effective in the long run. Avoiding the need for implants or bridges saves you money down the line.
  • High Success Rate: With modern advancements, root canals boast a success rate exceeding 95%, meaning your precious tooth has a high chance of thriving for years to come.
  • Minimizes Future Complications: Leaving a dead tooth untreated can lead to abscesses, bone loss, and even systemic health issues. Root canal therapy eliminates these risks, promoting long-term oral health.


  • Procedure Time: Root canals typically take 1-2 hours, while extraction is usually quicker.
  • Potential Discomfort: While local anesthesia minimizes pain, some discomfort is to be expected during and after the procedure.
  • Multiple Appointments: Depending on the complexity, root canal therapy might require multiple visits for cleaning and filling.

2. Extraction and Replacement:

In some cases, where the damage is extensive or the tooth’s structure is compromised, Tooth extraction might be necessary. But fear not! Advanced options like dental implants and bridges offer natural-looking and functional replacements, ensuring your smile remains complete and confident.

Tooth Extraction and Replacement in Riverside, CA | Inland Choice Dental - Riverside Dentist


  • Faster Procedure: Extractions are typically quicker than root canals, offering immediate relief from pain and discomfort.
  • Reduced Discomfort: Extractions usually involve less pain than root canals, especially post-procedure.
  • No Ongoing Treatment: Unlike root canals, which might require follow-up care, extractions are a one-and-done solution.


  • Loss of Natural Tooth: This can impact chewing function, speech, and even facial structure over time. Bone loss around the empty socket is also a concern.
  • Higher Long-Term Costs: Implants and bridges, which replace extracted teeth, are often more expensive than root canal therapy in the long run.
  • Additional Procedures: Replacing missing teeth requires additional procedures like implant placement or bridge construction, adding to the overall treatment time and complexity.

Ultimately, the choice between root canal therapy and extraction depends on your individual circumstances, such as:

  • The severity of the tooth damage
  • Your budget and insurance coverage
  • Your pain tolerance and preferences
  • Your desire to preserve your natural tooth

At Inland Choice Dental, our skilled dentists in Riverside will carefully assess your situation and provide a personalized recommendation based on your unique needs and goals. We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each option, ensuring you make an informed decision that prioritizes your health and smile confidence. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Don’t let a dead black tooth eclipse your Riverside shine! Contact Inland Choice Dental today for a free consultation and to unlock the path to a healthy, radiant smile. Remember, a confident grin awaits; let us guide you back to it!